Hecky Thump!

From our roving reporter (and player!) Alan Bate…

A 5 game snake faced the 18 teams who entered the YP Triples at Hollicars on a typically wet Bank Holiday Easter Monday.

Only 1 team contained Heckmondwike members, The Heckythumps, aka Alan, Anita and Shirley.

A poor start losing 13 – 5 (to the eventual winners) followed by 4 excellent wins against decent teams saw us to a 4 win +12 total.

With Anita and Shirley sharing the pointing and making many excellent deliveries with Alan on good shooting form and adding points to ends where we were already lying shot.

We had to wait until completion of the very last game to see if Triple Mix could overtake us with their 4th win by a margin of 5 points. They managed to win 13-10 to leave Heckythump in a hard earned 3rd place and in the prize money.

Well done team. A great day had by all with the sun eventually making an appearance.

(Darren here… Well done team, any HPC related good news anyone wants reporting then please do let me know… Always happy to put it on the blog!)

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