What a week that was

Following on from the West Yorkshire League match on Wednesday we had a visit from Gomersal Brownies . Over 22 Brownies along with their leaders came down to have a game . They had a great time and we had fantastic feedback from parents, leaders and the girls . A big thank you to everyone that came down to help .

On Thursday evening we had a visit from the Leeds Engineers Group, introduced by our new members Malcolm and Lynne Murray, they all enjoyed the evening followed by Pie and Peas at the Marsh . Again great feedback from all, and a fantastic contribution from them of £100 which will go to our good cause Transformers North .

All the best to the team tomorrow playing the last league match of the season at Huddersfield . The West Yorkshire Cup will start shortly with a home match against Leeds .

Weed & Feed on Wednesday with a 11:30 start . Hopefully we can get the terrains looking at their best for the upcoming triples event on the 14th July .

That’s All for now folks

Take care David

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